Des Moines Postcode (United States)

Des Moines Postcode: 50301, 50302, 50303, 50304, 50305, 50306, 50307, 50308, 50309, 50310, 50311, 50312, 50313, 50314, 50315, 50316, 50317, 50318, 50319, 50320, 50321, 50327, 50328, 50329, 50330, 50331, 50332, 50333, 50334, 50335, 50336, 50338, 50339, 50340, 50347, 50350, 50359, 50360, 50361, 50362, 50363, 50364, 50367, 50368, 50369, 50380, 50381, 50391, 50392, 50393, 50394, 50395, 50396, 50397, 50936, 50940, 50947, 50950, 50980, 50981 (Number of Postcodes: 60 items). Click on postcode number to get more information. For other postcodes in United States click here.

Average GPS coordinates for Des Moines Postcode location: 41.653, -93.582. (Notice: some coordinates are "GEO located" from street addresses. These numbers may be inaccurate. With this map you can check the coordinates.). Des Moines on map:

Listing cities & postcodes (60):
>> Iowa, 50301 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50302 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50303 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50304 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50305 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50306 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50307 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50308 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50309 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.5887,-93.6212
>> Iowa, 50310 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6255,-93.6736
>> Iowa, 50311 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.601,-93.6729
>> Iowa, 50312 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.5855,-93.6719
>> Iowa, 50313 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6381,-93.6203
>> Iowa, 50314 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.603,-93.633
>> Iowa, 50315 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.5444,-93.6192
>> Iowa, 50316 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6092,-93.6
>> Iowa, 50317 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6122,-93.5296
>> Iowa, 50318 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50319 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.5921,-93.604
>> Iowa, 50320 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.5487,-93.5827
>> Iowa, 50321 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.5476,-93.6618
>> Iowa, 50327 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.5815,-93.4848
>> Iowa, 50328 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50329 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50330 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50331 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50332 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50333 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50334 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50335 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50336 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50338 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50339 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50340 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50347 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50350 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50359 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50360 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50361 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50362 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50363 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50364 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50367 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50368 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50369 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50380 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50381 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50391 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50392 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.5878,-93.6274
>> Iowa, 50393 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50394 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50395 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50396 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50397 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50936 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50940 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50947 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50950 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50980 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722
>> Iowa, 50981 Des Moines, Polk, GPS coordinates: 41.6727,-93.5722