Orange Postcode (United States)

Orange Postcode: 92613, 92664, 92665, 92666, 92667, 92668, 92669, 92856, 92857, 92859, 92862, 92863, 92864, 92865, 92866, 92867, 92868, 92869 (Number of Postcodes: 18 items). Click on postcode number to get more information. For other postcodes in United States click here.

Average GPS coordinates for Orange Postcode location: 33.802, -117.833. (Notice: some coordinates are "GEO located" from street addresses. These numbers may be inaccurate. With this map you can check the coordinates.). Orange on map:

Listing cities & postcodes (18):
>> California, 92613 Orange, Orange County, GPS coordinates: 33.8053,-117.8348
>> California, 92664 Orange, Orange County, GPS coordinates: 33.7875,-117.8934
>> California, 92665 Orange, Orange County, GPS coordinates: 33.8298,-117.8469
>> California, 92666 Orange, Riverside County, GPS coordinates: 33.7853,-117.845
>> California, 92667 Orange, Orange County, GPS coordinates: 33.8107,-117.829
>> California, 92668 Orange, Orange County, GPS coordinates: 33.7867,-117.8742
>> California, 92669 Orange, Orange County, GPS coordinates: 33.792,-117.7986
>> California, 92856 Orange, Orange, GPS coordinates: 33.7841,-117.8435
>> California, 92857 Orange, Orange, GPS coordinates: 33.8317,-117.8491
>> California, 92859 Orange, Orange, GPS coordinates: 33.8027,-117.7867
>> California, 92862 Orange, Orange, GPS coordinates: 33.7915,-117.714
>> California, 92863 Orange, Orange, GPS coordinates: 33.8153,-117.8273
>> California, 92864 Orange, Orange, GPS coordinates: 33.8143,-117.8308
>> California, 92865 Orange, Orange, GPS coordinates: 33.8263,-117.8511
>> California, 92866 Orange, Orange, GPS coordinates: 33.7877,-117.8423
>> California, 92867 Orange, Orange, GPS coordinates: 33.811,-117.8493
>> California, 92868 Orange, Orange, GPS coordinates: 33.7875,-117.8776
>> California, 92869 Orange, Orange, GPS coordinates: 33.7868,-117.7934